

竹田 歴史講座



 海外15カ国からの50名を含む国内外の研究者90名が一堂に会する、第26回国際珪藻学会(Rosa Trobajo 会長)が8月28日から9月2日まで、山形市にある山形テルサを会場に行われました。

 The 26th International Diatom Symposium in Yamagata
 The International Society for Diatom Research (ISDR) held a symposium at Yamagata Terrsa, Yamagata city, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan from August 28th to September 2nd, where 90 researchers gathered from Japan and abroad, including 50 researchers from 15 countries.
 The first symposium was held in Germany in 1970, and now this is the 26th. Professor Richard Jordan, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, was the host and has been preparing for this event since 2018.
 On the first day, August 28th, an icebreaker party (social gathering) was held there, and on the second day, August 29th, an opening ceremony was held, with President Hidetoshi Tamate of Yamagata University giving a welcome speech, and the ISDR President (Professor Rosa Trobajo, Spain) giving an address about the history of the society and the significance of this event.
 Members of the society study diatoms (aquatic, single-celled plants) that are widely distributed all over the world from freshwater to seawater. Some diatoms are also important as food for fish such as sweetfish. Furthermore, when diatoms occur in large quantities in seawater or lake water, they can cause harm such as red tides. By studying the classification, ecology and distribution of these algae, and their fossils, we can understand the past and present state of the global environment. Thus, they are also useful for predicting the future. Diatoms are also expected to be used as a biofuel.
 In the first keynote speech, Professor Michael KLOSTER (Germany) gave a presentation entitled "Digital transformation of light microscopic diatom analysis-curent state and future prospects'', during which he described the process of efficiently photographing diatoms to classifying them using deep-learning. Various presentations and poster sessions were held during the conference.
 On August 30th, there were sightseeing excursions at three locations: nearby Yamadera temple, Mt. Zao, and Yonezawa city. Among these, in Yonezawa city, 20 participants visited Sasano Ittobori (wooden handcraft), Sasano Kannon temple, Uesugi Shrine, etc., and for lunch they enjoyed Sukiyaki at the long-established Yonezawa Beef restaurant, Tokiwa. The participants enjoyed the history and the food of Yonezawa city, including a tasting at the Toko sake brewery.
 The 26th International Diatom Symposium held its closing ceremony on September 2nd.